Stabiae, Oplontis and other magnificient Villas Suburbane

Stabie was one of the most favorite Destination for roman patricians.Stabiae was discovered in 1749 by Bourbon excavators. It was not until 1950 that two magnificiant villas on the Varano Hill, buried by the eruptionof 79 A.D, were partially excavated.
Villa Arianna was erected 2. Century B.C, the famous fresco of Flora or Spring, one of the most highly valued work of classic antiquity, came from these rooms.
Villa San Marco with her 11.000m is one of the largest best preserved roman villas. Her incredible interiors, private bath area, and panoramic pool takes the visitors in the world of luxury on the ancient time.
Oplontis: the symbol of a town placed three miles away form Pompeii is marked in the Peutingerian Plate, with the name of Oplontis, a residential neighberhood of Pompeii, a palce for rich people's stay, who wanted to escape from the noise and the cahotic city life. Because of the scarsity of information, the villa is now usually known as Poppea's Villa . In fact the following inscription . Secundo Poppaeae was found on anphora discovered  in the latrines.  At hte moment of the Eruption 79 AD the willa was deserted probably because of the earthquake 62AD 
This Villa is the most meaningful example of roman suburban Villa, wtih teh best preserved fresco cyclus of the Antiquity.

